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A descriptive and programming language independent format and API for the simplified configuration, documentation, and design of computer experiments.

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Welcome to the InPUT Newsflow!

If this is the first time you visit the InPUT page, you can learn more about InPUT here.

Project update (02.05.2013)

Database Import/Export: An extension for a smooth database import and export, for a standardized retrieval and search can be expected some time in the beginning of the summer.

C++: The C++ projects will be delivered some time in the summer. The non-existence of reflection made it a real challenge, but it the project is in good hands, Peter Edsbäcker is doing a great work there.

Python: The Python version is in the making, and can be expected to be available online some time after the summer.

I am currently working on the tutorials for the experimental design part, which should be available some time this month. Best,

InPUT v0.4 (02.05.2013)

The v0.4 release comes with new tutorials and concrete use cases. Here is a list of the latest inclusions:


InPUT4j v0.3: Parameter Tuning Extensions (08.11.2012)

InPUT4j has received a major feature update (v0.2), and v0.3 is already in the pipe. v0.3 extends InPUT by a tuning extension, and comes with the following features: InPUT extends the SPOT framework by wrapping an R runtime using JRI. It can be customized by the user to store the wrapped R workspaces, containing all the data and history from the investigation, allowing for the external access from within R, providing full fledged statistical analysis of experiments executed in Java. SPOT configuration is internally translated to InPUT, and can from now on be treated the InPUT way (spotSpace.xml, spot.xml).

Best always,

Language Updates (20.10.2012)

I would like to announce that InPUT4c++ is approaching a beta state. In addition, the creation of InPUT4py (python) is in working progress. Another student project is involved with the creation of an SQL database import/export interface that can be reached and read publicly via a web interface.


InPUT4j v0.2: Feature Extensions (12.10.2012)

The focus for the Java v0.2 release has been on internal and structural improvements:

Best always,

InPUT4j v0.1: InPUT beta available (08.07.2012)

The InPUT source code can now be downloaded from its github repository. Github allows everyone to share software projects. It is rather easy to file bug reports or even suggest code changes via git push. There is a wiki which will be updated in the near future, with examples, tutorials, and documentation.


Page under construction (24.03.2012)

Personal note:

Hi there,

my name is Felix, I am a computer science graduate student with the Mid Sweden University. I have recently started creating this website. Its main purpose is the promotion of the open-source framework by name InPUT which I am actively developing. If you are into experimental research doing computer experiments, you might want to check it out, it could make your life easier. Unfortunately, I haven't had the time to make it available as yet, but that will happen soon.

Take care!